Taylor Swift, Framed

We featured Taylor Swift in Framed a few months ago -- heck, everyone likes Taylor Swift, and she's been our featured artist scads of times! -- but, imagine our surprise when we received a letter from Taylor Swift a week or so later.

Not an e-mail... an actual letter! A hand-written letter! Wow!

Here's how it went:

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Dear Framed:

I laughed and laughed at your new blog. Like all musicians, I think being in Framed is a big deal. You are so funny!

No, I'm not related to Tom Swift! But what a funny idea! My mom thought so, too! :) We all laughed!

And now you've got me talking in "Swiftisms." That is so funny! All my friends think so, too!

I have a new video coming out soon called "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," and I hope you will use it in your blog! 'Cause that would be so cool! It's not a Kelly Clarkson song, even though it sounds like it is. I hope you'll put it in Framed because that would be the best! It's a funny video, I should mention that!

Your biggest fan,



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Taylor, it's always great to hear from you, and we're glad you enjoy the whimsy that is Framed. Your new song is the #1 tune in the country -- as it should be, we hasten to add -- so seeing it in Framed this week is no surprise at all!

Hope you like it, and tell your mom we said hi, OK?

1 -- We built this city! We built this city on inoffensive commercial teen/pop!

2 -- "I did know there was a Bluebird of Happiness! I just didn't know there was a Bluebird of Unspeakable Apocalyptic Horror!"

3 -- "C'mon, Taylor, you can totally afford implants."

4 -- "There is a Star Man waiting in the sky! There has to be!"

5 -- Super Furry Animals' threat to occupy every Taylor video was far from idle!

6 -- Now that there's television, in-home entertainment is theoretically possible!

7 -- "What we have in common? Well, we don't know bleep about wallpaper!"

8 -- "Now to call 1946!"

9 -- "Then, it's true, doc? Dating only girls with ridiculously oversized glasses is a disturbing and incurable personality disorder?"

10 -- "You expect it to move, too? Hell, I made it out of cardboard."

11 -- "Let's go make out by Chachi's grave!"

12 -- "Yeah, well, if you want to see Mr. Rainbow Sock Donkey again, you'll listen up, pal."